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 - Time for Reflection -

 - Re-Opening Holy Mass of St.  Patrick's Church  16th November 2000  - 

This video contains footage of the Holy Mass celebrating the re-opening of St. Patrick's Church.

 - St. Patrick's Church - Re-opening 16th November 2000 - 

St Patrick's Church has been kindly donated the video footage of the re-opening of St. Patrick's Church on 16th November 2000. 
This video contains footage of the Reception after Holy Mass in the Kilsyth Celtic Supporters Social Club. 

 - Parish Priests or Assistant Priests  - 

These videos are reflections from former Parish Priest's or Assistant Priests of St. Patrick's Kilsyth


 - Meet the Archdiocese's New Canons!  - 

Congratulations to Father Tracey & Father Bath , they now join Father Hand as
former Priests of St. Patrick's, Kilsyth on becoming a Canon.


The Very Rev James G Canon Tracey

Fr Tracey_edited.jpg

 - The Very Rev Jeremy C Canon Bath - 

Fr Bath_edited.jpg

 - The Very Rev Gerard C Canon Hand - 

Fr Hand_edited.jpg
Father Bell

 - Father Bell's Requiem Mass 2015 - 

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